Thomas Crabb

School: Maryland

Frederick Thomas Crabb was born after 1750, according to the Federal Census Records, and was first recorded in Frederick County in 1795. He was the fifth contractor to sign an agreement to produce Charleville pattern muskets, along with Nicholas White, Jacob Metzger and Christopher Barnhizle. Razin Self was apprenticed to Crabb on January 31, 1803, to learn the blacksmith trade. In the January 11, 1805, Bartgis’s Republican Gazette Newspaper he advertised a reward for the return of Self who was a run away apprentice. In the late spring of 1807 he contracted with the Office of Indian Trade to make rifles, but by March of the following year he had departed from Frederick. For further reference, see Arms Makers of Maryland. For additional information see, Maryland Longrifles Hartzler/Whisker.